XY Graph


This example shows how to use the Microsoft Office Chart ActiveX Control.



To run this sample Xdialog script, you must have Microsoft Office installed on your machine.
dim vl as P
dim shared Chart as P
dim Graph as P
dim Graph.object as P
dim Graph.class as C
vl = local_variables()
'Define the Microsoft Office Chart ActiveX Control
dlg_title = "X/Y Line Chart"
dlg_source = <<%dlg%
{sp}<%i=$a5_window_close;O={J=C} {I=1} Close; %18,1.5&Close!close>{sp};

Add the event handlers for the buttons.

dlg_event = <<%code%
if (a_dlg_button = "close") .or. (a_dlg_button = "") then
end if
if (a_dlg_button = "init") then
    a_dlg_button = ""

Build the chart on the init event. Series[2] is an array of pointers. each element in the array contains information about a data series that is plotted on the graph.

dim Series[2] as P
    dim Rows as N
    Rows = 25
    dim XValueRows as N
    dim YValue1Rows as N
    dim YValue2Rows as N
    ' Add a chart to the graph object
    Chart = Graph.object.Charts.Add()
    Chart.HasTitle = .T.
    Chart.Title.Caption = "X/Y Graph"
    Chart.Type = 25 ' Scatter Line - See the Complete List of Supported Chart Types.
    Chart.HasLegend = .T.
    ' Create some random data for the graph
    for i = 1 to Rows
        XValue[i] = i                 ' Just a sequence 1..25
        YValue1[i] = rand()* i + i ' A random number greater than i                       
        YValue2[i] = rand()* i / 2 ' A random number smaller than i
    next i
    ' Add the two series to the chart
    Series[1] = Chart.SeriesCollection.Add()
    Series[1].Caption = "Greater Values"

SetData() is a method call of the chart object. The arguments passed in the first call to .SetData() are:

  • 4, indicating that we are setting an X value (see Complete List of Supported Data Types )

  • -1, indicating that the data is being supplied directly, rather than from a data source

  • XValue, containing the name of the array that contains the actual values.

Series[1].SetData(4, -1, XValue)             
	' X Values for Series 1

The arguments passed in the second call to .SetData() are:

  • 3, indicating that we are setting an Y value (see Complete List of Supported Data Types )

  • -1, indicating that the data is being supplied directly, rather than from a data source

  • YValue, containing the name of the array that contains the actual values.

Series[1].SetData(4, -1, XValue)             ' X Values for Series 1
    Series[2] = Chart.SeriesCollection.Add()
    Series[2].Caption = "Lesser Values"
    Series[2].SetData(4, -1, XValue)             ' X Values
    Series[2].SetData(3, -1, YValue2)            ' Y Values
end if
ui_modeless_dlg_box(dlg_title, dlg_source, dlg_event)

Complete List of Supported Chart Types

'chChartTypeColumnClustered = 0,
'chChartTypeColumnStacked = 1,
'chChartTypeColumnStacked100 = 2,
'chChartTypeBarClustered = 3,
'chChartTypeBarStacked = 4,
'chChartTypeBarStacked100 = 5,
'chChartTypeLine = 6,
'chChartTypeLineStacked = 8,
'chChartTypeLineStacked100 = 10,
'chChartTypeLineMarkers = 7,
'chChartTypeLineStackedMarkers = 9,
'chChartTypeLineStacked100Markers = 11,
'chChartTypeSmoothLine = 12,
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked = 14,
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100 = 16,
'chChartTypeSmoothLineMarkers = 13,
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStackedMarkers = 15,
'chChartTypeSmoothLineStacked100Markers = 17,
'chChartTypePie = 18,
'chChartTypePieExploded = 19,
'chChartTypePieStacked = 20,
'chChartTypeScatterMarkers = 21,
'chChartTypeScatterLine = 25,
'chChartTypeScatterLineMarkers = 24,
'chChartTypeScatterLineFilled = 26,
'chChartTypeScatterSmoothLine = 23,
'chChartTypeScatterSmoothLineMarkers = 22,
'chChartTypeBubble = 27,
'chChartTypeBubbleLine = 28,
'chChartTypeArea = 29,
'chChartTypeAreaStacked = 30,
'chChartTypeAreaStacked100 = 31,
'chChartTypeDoughnut = 32,
'chChartTypeDoughnutExploded = 33,
'chChartTypeRadarLine = 34,
'chChartTypeRadarLineMarkers = 35,
'chChartTypeRadarLineFilled = 36,
'chChartTypeRadarSmoothLine = 37,
'chChartTypeRadarSmoothLineMarkers = 38,
'chChartTypeStockHLC = 39,
'chChartTypeStockOHLC = 40,
'chChartTypePolarMarkers = 41,
'chChartTypePolarLine = 42,
'chChartTypePolarLineMarkers = 43,
'chChartTypePolarSmoothLine = 44,
'chChartTypePolarSmoothLineMarkers = 45

Complete List of Supported Data Types

SetData(type, datasourceindex, array)
' Values for type of data being set
'chDimSeriesNames = 0,
'chDimCategories = 1,
'chDimValues = 2,
'chDimYValues = 3,
'chDimXValues = 4,
'chDimOpenValues = 5,
'chDimCloseValues = 6,
'chDimHighValues = 7,
'chDimLowValues = 8,
'chDimBubbleValues = 9,
'chDimRValues = 10,
'chDimThetaValues = 11

See Also